Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
February 8, 2021

The Senate will continue work this week on three major items: the impeachment trial of disgraced former President Donald J. Trump, moving forward President Joseph R. Biden’s nominees and continuing the work of assembling COVID relief legislation. Top Senate leaders finalized a bipartisan agreement for an exceedingly swift impeachment proceeding that would begin on Tuesday. … Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
February 5, 2021

The Senate early this morning adopted a budget blueprint that would grease the wheels for a partisan coronavirus relief package that Democratic leaders are getting ready to draft next week.  The budget resolution was adopted by a vote of 51-50. Vice President Kamala Harris cast the decisive vote after senators predictably deadlocked along party lines. … Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
February 4, 2021

House Republicans voted 145-61 Wednesday night to keep Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) in her role as the number three Republican leader in the chamber, fighting back an effort from those who were unhappy with her impeachment vote and criticism of former President Donald Trump.  At the same time, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
February 3, 2021

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) confirmed this morning that he has reached an agreement with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) on the organizing resolution for operation of the 50-50 Senate.  The new power-sharing agreement is modeled after the organizing resolution from 2001, the last time there was a 50/50 Senate.  Schumer already announced… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
February 2, 2021

A group of 10 Senate Republicans held a two-hour meeting with President Joe Biden on Monday night to discuss coronavirus relief legislation, emerging to sound upbeat about continuing to work together, but with no deal in hand.  Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion relief package that Democratic leadership wants to move quickly through Congress. The… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
February 1, 2021

A group of 10 Republican senators on Sunday sent a letter to President Joe Biden with a slimmed-down COVID-19 aid proposal hours before a scheduled meeting with the President today at the White House to discuss it.  The $618 billion outline is a fraction of the $1.9 trillion proposal the Biden administration released last month,… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
January 29, 2021

Day ten of the Biden presidency and the president has already signed more than three dozen executive orders and directives aimed at addressing the coronavirus pandemic as well as a gamut of other issues including environmental regulations, immigration policies and racial justice.  While no executive orders are expected today, President Biden and Vice President Harris… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
January 28, 2021

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) said this morning that Democrats are willing to proceed without Republican support on the next COVID relief package, potentially starting the process as soon as early next week.  Speaking from the Senate floor, Schumer said that it was the preference of Democrats to work with Republicans on the… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
January 27, 2021

President Joe Biden on Wednesday will sign a package of executive orders elevating climate change at every level of the federal government, a move that the administration says will put the United States on the path to reducing its share of emissions that are warming the planet.  The orders will Take a Whole-of-Government Approach to… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
January 26, 2021

For the second time in just over a year, the House on Monday sent an article of impeachment against disgraced former President Donald John Trump to the Senate for trial, with House impeachment managers  walking the article to the Senate at 7 pm last night.  As detailed yesterday, the trial will begin February 9th, and… Read More