Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
July 25, 2024

House Republicans on Wednesday passed the final government funding bill before August recess, proposing steep cuts for the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget for fiscal year 2025.  The bill’s funding levels called for an overall decrease compared to current spending levels, with a GOP summary outlining a 20 percent cut to EPA funding, cuts upwards of… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
July 24, 2024

House Republicans’ ambitious hopes of passing all their annual government funding bills by next week are quickly crumbling as a tight schedule and continued intraparty rifts threaten efforts to approve their spending blueprints for 2025.  Republicans had previously aimed to have all 12 annual funding bills pass by the August recess. But the timeline has… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 27, 2024

As the House races to finish its week before the Fourth of July recess, it will today continue consideration of H.R. 8771 – Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025 and then begin consideration of H.R. 8774 – Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025. While both bills are expected to pass… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 26, 2024

The House will continue to push through appropriations bills today as they anticipate passage of both the Homeland Security, State-Foreign Operations and Defense spending bills before Friday. Those three bills would join the Military Construction-VA measure which passed with four Democratic votes earlier this month giving Republican leadership more leverage in the bipartisan, bicameral government… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 25, 2024

The House is back in session today and is expected to spend the week working on appropriations bills.  The White House has issued a trio of veto threats against the first set of spending bills the House is scheduled to vote on, dismissing each proposal as “partisan bills” put forward by Republicans.  The White House… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 20, 2024

While the House remains in recess today, the Senate convened at 10:00 A.M. and will take up confirmation of the nomination of Stephanie Sanders Sullivan to be Representative to the African Union, with the rank and status of Ambassador as well as the Motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Nancy L. Maldonado to… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 18, 2024

While the House is in recess this week, the Senate today will take up the nomination of Katherine E. Oler to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of fifteen years and the nomination of Mustafa Taher Kasubhai to be United States District Judge for the… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 13, 2024

The Senate convened at 10:00 A.M. and is expected to confirm the nomination of Judy W. Chang to be a Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a term expiring June 30, 2029.  Later this afternoon, around 1:45 P.M., the Senate is expected to vote on a Motion to invoke cloture on the motion… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 12, 2024

Both the House and Senate are in session today as the Senate is posed to approve three new FERC nominees to finally re-establish a full slate of commissioners.  The Senate is expected to take up the nomination of David Rosner to be a Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a term expiring June… Read More

Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 5, 2024

With the House and Senate in Washington for a limited amount of time this week due to congressional delegations to Normandy for D-Day events, the Senate is expected to vote today on a bill that would guarantee access to contraception nationwide, as Democrats seek to draw a contrast with Republicans in the run up to… Read More