Adam S. Olsen- Washington, D.C.
June 2, 2023

The Senate spent much of the day yesterday trying to broker a deal among the chamber’s 100 members to speed up the voting schedule on the legislation to raise the debt ceiling, H.R.3746, Fiscal Responsibility Act.  The final vote in the Senate was 63-to-36 and as in the House, Democrats carried the measure to passage, with 44 of them and two independents joining 17 Republicans in support.  31 Republicans, four Democrats and one independent voted no.  President Joe Biden has promised to sign it as soon as possible and address the nation from the Oval Office on Friday evening at 7 P.M.

After a brief pro forma session today, the Senate stands adjourned until 3:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 6th when it will resume consideration of the nomination of David Crane to be Under Secretary of Energy.

The House will reconvene on Monday, June 5th for votes.

Adam S. Olsen, Washington, D.C.